Dunfermline St. Leonard's Parish Church of Scotland
01383 620106 office@slpc.org.uk
Family worship every Sunday at 10:15am.
Everyone welcome.
Welcome to St. Leonard's
In this section
First Sunday in Advent: Brownies decorated one of our windows to create the Little Town of Bethlehem.
We are a lively and engaged congregation of the Church of Scotland serving a parish in the historic city of Dunfermline in Scotland. We believe in and live by the church's 'five marks of mission' which are:
To proclaim the Good News of God's Kingdom;
To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
To respond to human need by loving service;
To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation;
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
Our doors are open to everyone for worship, prayer, fellowship, support, advice or simply someone to talk to. In the words of one of our favourite songs
We gather for family worship every Sunday morning at 10:15 am to which everyone is welcome. Our service usually lasts for around an hour. Our children, the Sunday Squad, join us for the first part of the service and then they leave to have fun and learn more about Jesus.
Three times a year and on the Thursday before Easter (Maunday Thursday), our service is a communion service where we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples before his betrayal and crucifixion. Our wine is non-alcoholic and we have gluten free bread for anyone that wants it. Everyone who loves the Lord Jesus is invited to take communion.
From time to time we hold extra services, such as at Easter and Christmas and details of these services will be advertised here.